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Topic: Job – Human Resources

Paper details:

HR in Duluth Paper
This assignment is designed to make you think about tailoring HR systems and practices to meet the unique needs of a particular workforce. The practices, which are discussed in this class, are common in many companies and are presented in their most generic forms. In reality, every company will use a subset of these practices and modify those practices used to provide the most motivation and retention power for their employees.

For this assignment you are to research a skilled profession of your choosing in the Duluth area and then develop a selection process, a compensation system, and a benefits package that will best meet the needs of this particular workforce. A skilled profession is a job/job family that requires post-secondary education/training.

Specifically, this paper should describe the Duluth labor market for the profession you have chosen. How many workers are there in Duluth qualified for this profession? What does it take to be qualified for this profession? Describe what workers in this particular profession would likely want in an employment relationship and explain why you think these workers would want these things. (It will significantly improve the quality of your paper, if you have research to support your ideas about what these workers would like.) You need to identify a selection process, a compensation system, and a benefits package that would meet the specific needs and wants of these professionals. Finally, explain how these programs meet the needs and desires of people in this profession. The more your programs are logically tailored to your chosen profession, the better your paper will be. Remember that the ultimate goal of any HR program is to attract, retain, and motivate high quality employees.
This paper may not be longer than 5 pages, double-spaced typed. Your bibliography may be in addition to the 5 pages. Information sources beyond the textbook and course notes will be required to complete this paper successfully.

This paper will be graded based upon the quality of the description of the labor market, the quality and details of the three functional areas of HR proposed, and the logic that connects the profession’s needs and desires with the practices proposed. There is a grading rubric for this assignment posted on the Moodle site for the class.

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Topic: Job – Human Resources

Paper details:

HR in Duluth Paper
This assignment is designed to make you think about tailoring HR systems and practices to meet the unique needs of a particular workforce. The practices, which are discussed in this class, are common in many companies and are presented in their most generic forms. In reality, every company will use a subset of these practices and modify those practices used to provide the most motivation and retention power for their employees.

For this assignment you are to research a skilled profession of your choosing in the Duluth area and then develop a selection process, a compensation system, and a benefits package that will best meet the needs of this particular workforce. A skilled profession is a job/job family that requires post-secondary education/training.

Specifically, this paper should describe the Duluth labor market for the profession you have chosen. How many workers are there in Duluth qualified for this profession? What does it take to be qualified for this profession? Describe what workers in this particular profession would likely want in an employment relationship and explain why you think these workers would want these things. (It will significantly improve the quality of your paper, if you have research to support your ideas about what these workers would like.) You need to identify a selection process, a compensation system, and a benefits package that would meet the specific needs and wants of these professionals. Finally, explain how these programs meet the needs and desires of people in this profession. The more your programs are logically tailored to your chosen profession, the better your paper will be. Remember that the ultimate goal of any HR program is to attract, retain, and motivate high quality employees.
This paper may not be longer than 5 pages, double-spaced typed. Your bibliography may be in addition to the 5 pages. Information sources beyond the textbook and course notes will be required to complete this paper successfully.

This paper will be graded based upon the quality of the description of the labor market, the quality and details of the three functional areas of HR proposed, and the logic that connects the profession’s needs and desires with the practices proposed. There is a grading rubric for this assignment posted on the Moodle site for the class.

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Topic: Job – Human Resources

Paper details:

HR in Duluth Paper
This assignment is designed to make you think about tailoring HR systems and practices to meet the unique needs of a particular workforce. The practices, which are discussed in this class, are common in many companies and are presented in their most generic forms. In reality, every company will use a subset of these practices and modify those practices used to provide the most motivation and retention power for their employees.

For this assignment you are to research a skilled profession of your choosing in the Duluth area and then develop a selection process, a compensation system, and a benefits package that will best meet the needs of this particular workforce. A skilled profession is a job/job family that requires post-secondary education/training.

Specifically, this paper should describe the Duluth labor market for the profession you have chosen. How many workers are there in Duluth qualified for this profession? What does it take to be qualified for this profession? Describe what workers in this particular profession would likely want in an employment relationship and explain why you think these workers would want these things. (It will significantly improve the quality of your paper, if you have research to support your ideas about what these workers would like.) You need to identify a selection process, a compensation system, and a benefits package that would meet the specific needs and wants of these professionals. Finally, explain how these programs meet the needs and desires of people in this profession. The more your programs are logically tailored to your chosen profession, the better your paper will be. Remember that the ultimate goal of any HR program is to attract, retain, and motivate high quality employees.
This paper may not be longer than 5 pages, double-spaced typed. Your bibliography may be in addition to the 5 pages. Information sources beyond the textbook and course notes will be required to complete this paper successfully.

This paper will be graded based upon the quality of the description of the labor market, the quality and details of the three functional areas of HR proposed, and the logic that connects the profession’s needs and desires with the practices proposed. There is a grading rubric for this assignment posted on the Moodle site for the class.

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